Passenger transportation

Passenger Transportation

At Airborne Operations, we believe that people are the most precious cargo we transport. Whether passenger transport is conducted under normal conditions or as an emergency evacuation response, every level of our organization is dedicated to the utmost safety for the lives of the armed forces personnel and civilians we are entrusted to serve. We supply timely, efficient fixed and rotary wing transport for individuals and large numbers of personnel. From single flights to sustained passenger transport operations, we manage every facet of their travel experience in the air and on the ground. All of our passenger flight transportation services meet or exceed domestic and international regulations. Our comprehensive insurance coverage conforms to all U.S. standards. Airborne Operations’ passenger transportation resources take your people where they need to go, on time and on budget.

Our Commitment

Our ability to provide efficient and cost-effective passenger transportation is rooted in our core values of safety, reliability and compliance. Whether we are transporting a single person or large contingents of personnel domestically or internationally, our standards of operational excellence are unrivalled. We are committed to providing the right aircraft and support systems that aid mission success. From normal air transport functions to complex emergency evacuation scenarios, we can meet people transportation needs with targeted, mission-centric precision. Our extensive range of conventional and non-standard aircraft provides a comprehensive menu of customized, global passenger transportation options.

airborne operations

+1 (202) 603-3059 2200 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20037
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July 31st, 2017

I was several minutes into a frantic panic scramble for help before I remember that I, Niles, am the one who helps.

Paperwork and Snowshoeing

January 19th, 2017

A bright winter day in the Redwood National Forest

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