Emergency Evacuation

Emergency Evacuation

Airborne Operations provides non-combat evacuation and rescue services that enable extraction of military personnel and civilians from at-risk situations to safe, secure locations. When CASEVAC or MEDEVAC services are required, we have ability to respond swiftly with the specialized aviation equipment, personnel and logistics support that transports people from harm’s way. In situations involving casualty evacuation or medical emergencies due to accidents or illnesses, we are able to provide specialized aircraft that have in-flight medical care capabilities. Our team of evacuation specialists coordinate extraction logistics so patients and personnel are transported safely and quickly to and from any location in the world. We maintain full compliance with all flight and medical regulations to ensure that our evacuation services render the highest level of care possible for critically injured and ill patients. When required, we have highly qualified and experienced teams of medical personnel on call to support every phase of medical evacuation operations.

Specialized Equipment

  • Helicopter Medical Module allows for intensive care and transportation of patients
  • Infrared Camera Pop-300 and Projector allows for searching of casualties in degraded visual environment
  • Hoist/lifting capabilities onboard when landing is not possible
  • Teams of paramedics available on stand-by

airborne operations

+1 (202) 603-3059 admin@airborneops.com 2200 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20037
Request more information


July 31st, 2017

I was several minutes into a frantic panic scramble for help before I remember that I, Niles, am the one who helps.

Paperwork and Snowshoeing

January 19th, 2017

A bright winter day in the Redwood National Forest

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